User tracking for augmented reality applications
- Visual SLAM, Inertial Sensing and other methods

Workshop Scope

Successful user tracking methods have been developed in the past years and impressive results have been demonstrated, ranging from vision- and model-based solutions over SLAM approaches to hybrid systems. This workshop focuses on user tracking for augmented reality applications. This application area requires tracking technologies that are unobtrusive and provide suitable precision, robustness and performance to enable accurate and stable augmentations. Independently of your working field we invite you to present your latest results and present in a critical way promising novel approaches of your research work. We propose to discuss in an open and informal atmosphere novel trends, hopes and frustrations of user tracking for augmented reality applications including novel hardware and sensors, novel algorithms, open challenges and applications. This workshop intends to bring together people from different communities working on similar topics with different tools and approaches. From large-scale user tracking in urban environments to indoor localization for industrial maintenance scenarios in the smart factory of tomorrow, we are looking forward to share and learn more about your latest and fresh ideas.
