1st International Workshop on
Distributed Computing in Ambient Environments (DiComAe)

Co-located with the 32nd Annual Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Paderborn, September 15th, 2009

Workshop Scope

This workshop is looking for papers describing original research work, experimental efforts, practical experiences with existing systems and industrial developments in the field of distributed, ambient computing.

The workshop provides a forum for scientists and engineers from academia and industry to exchange and discuss their experiences, new ideas, research results, and products particularly dealing with semantics and knowledge processing for developing smart applications in for instance health care, sustainability or consumer domains.

Topics of Interest

Submission Guideline

Authors are invited to submit original papers in any of the areas listed above. The length of the paper must not exceed 8 pages. Papers should follow the submission guideline of KI 2009. At least one author of an accepted paper is expected to attend the workshop to present the paper. Please see http://ki2009.uni-paderborn.de for more information on paper submission.

Important Deadlines

Papers due

June 12, 2009

Authors Notification

July 01, 2009

Camera-ready copies due

August 01, 2009

Organizing Commitee

Conference Co-Chairs

Publication Chair

Program Committee

Others to be confirmed


The DiComAE program can be found here (pdf).